One thing I've started doing is packing outfits in individual bags. I purchased mesh lingerie bags from the D0llar Store - $1 for 3 bags. I have enough bags to put each outfit for each child in a bag. I also put each child's pajamas in a bag as well. When I say outfit, I mean the shirt, pants (or shorts or skirt), underwear, and socks (if needed) in one bag. One day = one bag with one outfit. It's just so much easier than having each child pack their own suitcase (with 5 children, we are a bit limited on space) and I can contain all of the clothes and find each child's clothing quickly if we have one large suitcase.
Another thing I do is pack snack boxes. I bought subdivided plastic, leak proof, microwavable plastic "lunch" containers for each of the children, me, and my husband. I can pack sandwiches, fruit, cookies, cheese sticks, pretzels, crackers, hummus, etc. The containers I have only have two separate compartments, but I can subdivide them further using paper cupcake cups.
Finally, I always, always make a packing/TO DO list. So far, my lists are handwritten, but as soon as I decide to type one up, I'll post it!
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